Monday, July 27, 2015

Essential Oils

I have known and dabbled in the world of essential oils for about a year or so now. I am not one to preach that they heal you but I do believe that they can really help aid fast recovery and ease symptoms. Essential oils have a ridiculous amount of uses spanning from being used as a cleaning product to being used in cooking or to the most commonly known use of medicinal use.  

I decided to give a little review of three of the most basic oils; Lemon, Peppermint and Lavendar oils. They can be used in several different ways;

First I used Lemon in my water only adding one or two drops in a glass, which helps get rid of toxins in your body and for a quick energizing boost. It is also an antiseptic which helps fight off any potential bugs that maybe going around in your community. If you don't like Lemon in your water (which I am not a huge fan of myself) you can also apply it to your feet or palms of your hands.

Secondly, I tried using the Peppermint oil in cooking. I found this delicious recipe on Pinterest for Mint energy balls which called for peppermint extract but instead of using a teaspoon of that I simply used two drops of Peppermint oil. Just using those two drop made them very very minty tasting. If you want to try making them here is the link. I also used Peppermint when I had a headache, applying it to my temples to relieve my headache and the back of the neck to help relieve stress and tension. I did some research on other uses and discovered that its aroma is uplifting and invigorating and when used topically can be soothing to tired, sore muscles which I often have after a hard work out.
Lastly, I tried Lavender which is the one I am least familiar with. After looking into its uses I was surprised by some of it's uses. I burned my arm on the oven and tried out a suggested use of topically applying Lavender to the burn and it healed up faster than any other previous burns. It can also be used on  minor cuts and bruises. At the same time the aroma is very soothing and has a marvelous calming effect. I am going to try adding a few drops to my next bath to really relax and de-stress.

I am hoping to getting into the diffusing side of essential oils so that my husband and home also benefits. Now the fun part of researching different cute designs and how they function.

I found website super helpful, it has a substantial amount of information about all the essential oils and blends but more helpful than anything it lists symptoms or ailments that you may have and gives you suggested oils and blends to try to heal them.

If you are interested in trying some different essential oil I recommend the doterra brand.