Friday, March 20, 2015


 Growing up I was the youngest of two sisters, a complete daddy's girl and had a natural chilled out demeanor.

My best friends growing up were always boys, and continue to be who I connect better to still. Girls were always inside playing with their barbies or being dramatic - which I thought was boring, where as I was always outside climbing trees, playing street football or causing a little mischief. The kids on our street would coming knocking on our front door everyday after school to see if I could come out and play, not returning til sundown (about a half hour after my mum had yelled for me to come in). I loved playing sports, my mum would say "if it involves a ball no doubt Gemma will play it", she was spot on as I played football, field hockey, and basketball in school.  

Embarrassingly I wore a backwards baseball hat, skorts (a skirt with built in shorts), and a t-shirt for most of  my pre-teen years, occasionally wearing a dress on holiday or on nice occasions. After turning thirteen I dramatically changed. We had just moved from London to Edinburgh and in that move I changed from going to an all girls school to a mixed one. I started to care about what I wore although it still being a more street style, I wore makeup and got highlights and straightener so my hair looked nice.

I am still a tomboy at heart but I have become a womanly woman who is independent, adventerous and still  without the dramatic side I am girly. I truly  thankfully I found a manly man who loves to be outside in nature as much as me and tells me I am a beautiful woman.

 This past weekend we lay in bed on a Sunday morning thinking about what to do with our day as it was going be a beautiful sunny day but wanting it to be a lazy day also. My husband suggested grabbing our long boards and skating over to Coffee Bean to grab a nice cold drink and plan our trip to Italy coming up this summer, genius. I do admit as we set off on our skate session I told my husband that I felt like a kid, here I am at twenty seven years old in shorts, a tee, white plimsolls riding a skateboard. If it wasn't for my older facial features I swear I could of been mistaken for a 15 year old.

Is it  lame to still enjoy skating? Am I too old to dress this way? Am acting like a kid?

 Honestly I believe that even in my thirties or when I have kids of my own I will probably still like the same fashion styles, enjoy skate boarding and a whole lot more. I came to conclusion that 'once a tomboy always a tomboy', and just because I enjoy some stereotypical "younger" activities doesn't mean I am an irresponsible adult, I am just being me.

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