Wednesday, August 12, 2015


My husband and I just ended our first whole30 adventure and succeeded!

If you have never heard of whole30 and you have any kind of dietary issues this is perfect for you. Check out there website! Basically you take out grains, sugar, dairy, and alcohol for the entirety of the 30 days as well as restrictions on the oils you use. It sounds very intense but they supply you with a grocery list of everything you can eat.  Once your body has detoxing for 30 days your slowly add back in eat food group in hope that you narrow down what it is your allergic too (you hope and pray it is t ice cream). 

We decide to try this out because I have been having a slight reaction to something we eat regularly. Friends of ours had just completed it and successfully found that it was gluten they were allergic to, so I thought why not try it. 

Before we started we ate loosely to a paleo style of eating so I feel like the transition wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I read a few blogs on how other people did and they weren't all that encourging to be honest. A lot said they gave up or cheated or basically ate the same meals over and over. I was determined for that not be our experience!! 

Here are a few tips that saved us:

1. Plan at least two weeks of meals in adavance. Each day plan your breakfast, lunch and dinner, it makes it so much easier and less chance of your giving up. 
2. Danielle Walker - she is an amazing author of Against all grains & Meals made simple she has some amazing recipes. Whole30 does have it's own recipe book which I hear is incredible. 
3. Lara bars - there are only three you can eat; blueberry muffin, Apple pie and key lime. They help curve your sugar craving and if you ever out they make a good dessert. 
4. Avocados - carry them everywhere and put them on everything. Fats are key because they keep you full and they are good for you. 
5. Frittata - I would make a large one every Monday so we didn't have to rush in the mornings. Quick & easy! 
6. Nuts - just like the avocados, they are a great supply of fats to keep you full and make a great post work out snack. 
7. Do it with someone - my husband has been incredible support in this. Helping make meals and having someone to hold strong with when your craving chocolate. 
8. Save - obviously eating healthier means spending a little bit more on groceries. There is a website called thrive market that's basically Costco but full of low cost products. 

There are so many benefits to it not only finding out what your allergic to but we both lost weight and inches, our skin cleared up, had more energy (after week two), ate smaller healthy portions and so much more. 

You can do it! 

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