Thursday, March 3, 2016


Well I am back...

It has been quite a while since I last sat down and wrote a blog post, so let me catch you up.
 I took a break from my blog as last year starting in September was a very busy and overwhelming time for me.

I kicked off September as a bridesmaid in my most adventures friends wedding then quickly turned around and traveled home to Edinburgh to celebrate and be a matron of honor in my sisters wedding. Carl and I then took advantage of already being out in Europe and scooted off to Italy for a get away (that will be my next blog of adventures through Italy). Upon arriving home in November my parents came to visit for a week which was amazing and helped me readjust to homesickness. Mid november came so fast and I was yet again a bridesmaid in my roomies incredible wedding. The holidays hit with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year full of family get togethers and traditions. I brought in the new year and rounded out my matron of honor duties in my best friends wedding mid January.  It was a crazy crazy five months and with no surprise when coming off such a busy few months I got so sick, then sick and the sick again. Sickness after sickness my body tried to fight my tiredness and lowered immune system.

 I can happily say that March is a new beginning. I have not been sick for over a week and my life has seemed to settled. I told Carl I am so excited to have 2016 be a year of zero plans (besides our holiday to Hawaii in August).

Stay tuned as I plan to be blogging a lot more and more on my real life and adventures.

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