Tuesday, September 8, 2015


My husband, since he can remember has gone camping every year in the Sierras, California. This year with two big trips to Scotland and Italy we just haven't been able to get the time off or afford to go and he has been so sad about it. Well on wednesday night while laying in bed half asleep my husband whispers "we should pack up and go to the sierras this weekend" and I half jokingly said "sure why not". I just so happened to have Friday off work and obviously it's Labor Day weekend so we have Monday off too. I texted Carl the next morning and said "I think we should really go this weekend". You see earlier in the week my husband received a bonus from work so boom financially covered, I happened to have Friday off and my husband can set his on schedule. But here's the clincher randomly my father in law calls Thursday afternoon to see if we had plans this weekend, Carl said "well we think we might shoot up to Lee Vining for the weekend". Low and behold his dad had had the same thought and we all decided to go together.  That's not the end of the story, we go to get our fishing licenses and they said "oh you only need to pay for a one day license because Sunday is free fishing"... WHAT!!!! I stopped and thought to myself God really loves my husband and I because Carl's been pretty sad about not getting up their this summer and over the next 3 months (besides our trip in October) I am slammed with bridesmaids/matron of honor duties as I am in four weddings in the next 3 months plus I have all life's normal errands and stuff. Carl and I will most likely only see each other when we wake up and when go to sleep over the next few weekends, so this is a much needed little get away. 

When in the middle of the mountains what better to wear than my fox peak apparel tee "good things happen on mountians", it perfectly describes our weekend getaway. Fox Peak apparel are from Eugene, Oregon and are a rad etsy shop discovery. I am a complete sucker for anything outdoors and there brand has sweet mountain slogan and animal print tees for men and women. 

Find them on Instagram @foxpeakapparel or check out their shop on etsy. 

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