Wednesday, September 16, 2015

That Nanny Life

 A nanny, childminder, Au pair, child care provider, or mother's helper.

 I currently work to jobs as a part time as an office manager and a nanny, I have been a nanny for almost two years, with two separate families. Being a nanny doesn't just mean looking after a child, you really become a part of their families which usually includes other responsibilities like running errands, some chores around the home, pet care, going to birthday parties etc.

 My first nanny family was for a two year old little boy. He was a dream, so intelligent, well mannered, well behaved and so much fun to play with. I had the privilege of helping teach him new skills and watching him develop. We had a great time together going to the library, park, beach, getting treats like cupcakes or cake pops, play dates, music classes and so much more. He was so sweet but as he turned three at the end of summer, it was time for him to start school. I miss him!

I found my next nanny family through a friends recommendation. I currently take care of a 18 month old little girl, when I started she was only six months old. Since then I have loved watching her learn how to sit up, crawl, walk, and talk. She is developing characteristics and forming her little personality. We take long walks with her dog Oliver, play at the park, and take long naps. This nanny position is very different from the last, a lot less active and more care taking is involved but we are starting to step into a whole new world of learning.

Being a nanny has taught me a lot about my future self as a mum, breaking down preconceived ideas of how I will raise my kids and learning not to judge people's parental skills. It is not always fun and games dealing with sickness, tantrums, learning styles and helping them discover themselves. I really try to follow the same rules and styles their parents use so there is a constancy but it is hard to do sometimes when my style is different. I enjoy sharing the moment with these littles and especially enjoy the long two to three hour nap breaks. I really do see my job as a privilege.

Mums major props to you, it's hard work!!!

I can't wait to start my own family but I feel although being a nanny is different from having your own kids I have learnt a lot, to name a few.
1. I love rules (will be pretty strict with my future babes).
2. Routine is a HUGE deal.
3. Choose your battles.
4. Be active. Staying cooped up in the house makes you all crazy.
5. Be in the moment, they change so much.

I am excited to see who I am as mum one day.

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