Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fickle Faith


: strong belief or trust in someone or something
: belief in the existence of God : strong religious feelings or beliefs
: a system of religious beliefs

No matter whether you have religious beliefs or not, we all have faith in something or someone.
Without faith what is the point? I have faith in God, in myself, in my husband, in my family, in my friends, in my future, and so on. What happens when it is tested? Someone tragically passes away, there is injustice done to you, someone is diagnosed with a serious illness or you are simply let down by someone you love. Our first reaction is always defeat, we simply give up! It is so easy to only see the negative side in situations. What we should really be looking for first is the positive; what good has happened today? this week? month? year? I am an optimistic person, it is an attribute I believe God has gifted me with. I usually, not always, see the best in situations or changes. What I am not is one of those annoying optimists that refuses to see the bad or negativity that is very evident in my own or others lives but I choose to see the positive. "Choose" is an extremely important word because we are responsible to how we manage our emotions, reactions and decisions. You don't choose your circumstances but you can choose how to respond.

When my faith is tested I run through sadness, anger and defeat quickly and then ground myself by reminding myself of what is true and right. My faith is in God and I know that He is good, loving and merciful. Sometimes I may not feel very friendly towards God because I don't understand why something has happened, but my faith never waivers. My faith is strengthened when I sit and mentally take note of all the blessings in my life and that God never abandons me. No matter how bad it gets there are always countless blessings that are consistently happening in our lives. I am so thankful to have my supportive husband, close friends and family that know me so well, that when I begin to unravel and lose faith they know the exact ways and words to build me back up and restore my faith. Those who are close to you see more of your faith as you battle out the good and bad with each other day in and day out. It is important that when we see our friends beginning to lose faith that we remind them of the goodness of God and the great things that have happened to them. It is easy to forget the good.

Faith is fickle in that we may give up on it over and over again but it is always restored with the smallest reminder of good.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 

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